File Garden similar to google drive, this is a file hosting website! it allows you to host almost every file type as well as hot link things, this is what i use on my site for all the images, buttons and borders! i'm not sure what the limit is for how many you can have, but i've yet to run out. this is kind of like filegarden or catbox but strictly for images, again i am unsure of what their limit is on storage but im going on almost 600 images and havent run out of space yet! i reccomend using the direct link option when sharing image links! works a lot better in my experience :D
Spotifydown it sounds bad i know lmao but its not, its just a website to download music off spotify in a file form, like a youtube to mp3 downloader but directly from spotify instead of youtube!
Pastebin pastebin website to store your code or share it with others! really nice for those like me who code on multiple diff devices and wants to transfer what ive recently made to my other device im on! you can also make an account, makes keeping track of your pastes a lot easier!
Blinkies cafe it's exactly what it sounds like- a place to make blinkies! there are many templates for them on there with nice customization, go check them out!
Layout templates masterlist! while this isnt made by me this is something i used to use, layout templates can be very helpful for beginners at html/css!!